JCU Bio-Security Precinct
Education, Commercial

JCU Bio-Security Precinct
Education, Commercial

JCU Bio-Security Precinct
Education, Commercial
JCU Bio-Security Precinct
The Bio-Security Precinct, at James Cook University Townsville, includes laboratories, offices, conference rooms, learning and teaching spaces.
James Cook University, Townsville
James Cook University, Townsville
Laboratories, offices, conference rooms, learning and teaching spaces

The concept for the new James Cook University - Townsville, Biosecurity Precinct complements the natural setting for the proposed building. The three proposed wings allow for natural ventilation, to all spaces, and provides an optimised grid for flexible programmatic arrangements. The large canopy roof is vital for the tropical response by allowing the ground plane to be protected from solar heat gain and the resultant heat island effect.
Concept Design for a new Biosecurity Precinct for a leading tropical health research University in North Queensland.
Richard Kirk
KIRK Director