Cutting Edge Flood Mitigation
Flood mitigation study of our Cutting Edge project located in West End
The Kirk designed Cutting Edge building was originally designed to be above the flood level set, following the construction of Wivenhoe Dam. In 2011 however this level was exceeded, with water entering the car park and ground floor of the building. In 2022, the Jane Street building saw a lesser flood event however this still caused significant damage to the 3,750m² building.

The building owner has requested the implementation of flood mitigation strategies using landscape interventions and temporary flood barriers. This visualisation was used to communicate the differing levels of protection available against rising flood waters from the adjacent Brisbane River, should flood rivers rise again. Design works for the Jane Street building will target flood resilience up to the flood levels seen in the 2011 floods.
See our Cutting Edge Film & Television Post Production Facility project page for more in depth in information. Or visit our awards & publications page to view relevant publications of the project.