USC Moreton Bay Campus Expansion feature in ArchitectureAU
See full article about the USC Moreton Bay Campus Expansion in ArchitectureAU via our Awards and Publications Page.
Article published on: 2nd of March, 2022.
KIRK are currently completing the USC Moreton Bay Stage 2 Project - a fast-tracked teaching, research & health project for the University of the Sunshine Coast (USC). The expansion will include research spaces, teaching and social hub spaces, administration offices, sports facilities and car park.
The project involves 3 new buildings (Buildings B, C and D) at USC Moreton Bay Campus and is an exciting and transformative opportunity not just for the university but also the Moreton Bay community. The project holds a key role in the development, enhancement and extension of the built 'Knowledge Spine' as one of the dominant masterplanning strategies for the campus